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Setup Hybrid Cache

This article will guide you through the process of setting up a hybrid cache.

Setting up a hybrid is a little bit complex than setting up an in-memory cache, but not much.

Let get through it!

1. Add foyer as a dependency

Add this line to the [dependencies] section of your project's Cargo.toml.

foyer = "0.11"

If you are using a nightly version of the rust toolchain, the nightly feature is needed.

foyer = { version = "0.11", features = ["nightly"] }

2. Build a HybridCache

2.1 Build with a builder

HybridCache1 can be built via HybridCacheBuilder2.

let mut builder = HybridCacheBuilder::new();

Building HybridCache requires a two-phase build. The first step is building the in-memory cache via memory()3, and the second step is to build the disk cache via storage()4.

Before building the in-memory cache and the disk cache, you can configure some basic arguments of the hybrid cache. Such setting the name and the tracing config.

let mut builder = HybridCacheBuilder::new().with_name("foyer");

For more details, please refer to the API document.2.

dynamic tail-based tracing config

The tracing config is used for configure the dynamic tail-based tracing. It can also be modified later. To learn more, see Tutorial - Setup Monitor System.

2.2 Build in-memory cache

Setting up the in-memory cache is the same with using CacheBuilder5 to setup Cache.6 The only differences you don't to create a new CacheBuilder, just call memory() with the capacity on HybridCacheBuilder.

let mut builder = HybridCacheBuilder::new().memory(1024);

The default configuration count the usage by entry count. If you needs to change it or change other configurations, please refer to Tutorial - Setup In-memory Cache - 2. Build a Cache.

2.3 Build disk cache

2.3.1 Run on in-memory cache compatible mode

After setting up the in-memory cache, you can call storage() to move on to setup the disk cache.

let mut builder = HybridCacheBuilder::new().memory(1024).storage();

By default, the hybrid cache will NOT include a disk cache unless you specify a device. The hybrid cache will run on a in-memory cache compatible mode with the default configuration. All lookups to the disk will return a miss. It is useful if you want to support both in-memory cache or the hybrid cache based on your project's configuration or for debugging.


RisingWave7 supports caching the LSM-tree meta and blocks in both hybrid cache mode and in-memory cache mode by whether specifying the device. To learn how RisingWave uses foyer, see Case Study - RisingWave.

2.3.2 Run on hybrid cache mode with a device

To specify a device for the hybrid cache, just call with_device_config()8 and provide the device config.

Currently, the storage of the hybrid cache supports 2 kinds of devices:

  1. DirectFsDevice9: Setup within a directory of a file system with direct I/O10 files.
  2. DirectFileDevice11: Setup with a raw block device (block file) or a direct I/O10 file in a file system.

Determine which kind of device to use depends on your needs. If you want to utilize the spare space of an existing file system, DirectFsDevice is all you need. If you want to overcome the overhead of the file system, use DirectFileDevice on a raw block device. And NEVER use a DirectFileDevice within a file system. The inode latch will make the overhead of the file system layer worse.


For more details about the overhead of the file system layer, see Topic - Overhead of the File System Layer

Let's take DirectFsDevice as an example:

let hybrid: HybridCache<u64, String> = HybridCacheBuilder::new()

This example uses directory /data/foyer to store disk cache data using a device options builder. With the default configuration, foyer will take 80% of the current free space as the disk cache capacity. You can also specify the disk cache capacity and per file size with the builder.

For more details, please refer to the API document.12 13

2.3.3 Restrict the throughput

The bandwidth of the disk is much lower than the bandwidth of the memory. To avoid excessive use of the disk bandwidth, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to setup the admission picker with a rate limiter.

let hybrid: HybridCache<u64, String> = HybridCacheBuilder::new()
.with_admission_picker(Arc::new(RateLimitPicker::new(100 * 1024 * 1024)))

You can also customize the admission picker with your own admission policy. For more details, please refer to the API document.14

admission picker

Admission means allowing an entry to be inserted into the disk cache. And a admission picker can be used to customize the admission policy.

For more details, please refer to Design - Architecture.

2.3.4 Achieve better performance

The hybrid cache builder also provides a lot of detailed arguments for tuning.

For example:

  • with_indexer_shards() can be used for mitigating hot shards of the indexer.
  • with_flushers(), with_reclaimers() and with_recover_concurrency() can be used to tune the concurrency of the inner components.
  • with_runtime_config() can be used to enable the dedicated runtime or further runtime splitting.

Tuning the optimized parameters requires an understanding of foyer interior design and benchmarking with the real workload. For more details, please refer to Design - Architecture.

3. HybridCache Usage

HybridCache provides similar interfaces to Cache and caches from any other cache library. The difference is that HybridCache uses async for methods if necessary, while also introducing some advanced methods. There is a brief:

  • fn insert(): Insert cache entry to the hybrid cache.
  • fn remove(): Remove a cached entry with the given key from the hybrid cache.
  • fn contains(): Check if the hybrid cache contains a cached entry that has the given key with false-positive results.
  • async fn get(): Get cached entry with the given key from the hybrid cache.
  • async fn obtain(): Get cached entry with the given key from the hybrid cache with requests deduplication on the same key.
  • async fn fetch(): Fetch and insert a cache entry with the given key and method if there is a cache miss with requests deduplication on the same key.

The full method list and detailed document can be found in the API document.1

The insertion part looks no difference from an in-memory cache. The lookup part, however, are all asynchronous.

For most cases, fetch() is always recommended for it performs request deduplication and auto cache filling on cache miss. fetch() receives a key and the asynchronous fetch method to get the value from a remote storage on cache miss.

let entry = hybrid
.fetch(42, || async move {
Ok("The answer to life universe and everything.".to_string())

The hybrid cache also provides a writer() interface for advanced usage, such as insert disk cache only, force insertion, etc. For details, please refer to the API document.15


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